Deism, often referred to as "theistic rationalism," is a philosophical belief that posits the existence of a supreme being or creator who established the universe but does not interfere with its functioning. This belief system gained prominence during the 17th and 18th centuries, particularly among European and American intellectuals who were seeking alternatives to traditional religion and atheism.
Adherents to Deism believe that God exists and created the universe with its natural laws, but that he does not intervene in the world through miracles or answered prayers. Instead, they argue that the creator set the universe in motion according to these laws and then allowed it to operate independently. This perspective is often summed up in the phrase "clockwork universe," suggesting that the universe functions like a meticulously crafted clock, ticking along without the need for external intervention.
One of the key aspects of Deism is the emphasis on reason and scientific inquiry. Deists tend to be quite skeptical of revealed religion and religious authority, instead relying on reason and observation of the natural world to understand the nature of God and the universe. This has led to a tension between Deists and traditional theists, who often argue that faith and reason are not in conflict but rather complementary.
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