



Defection: A Complex Phenomenon in Politics and Beyond

The act of defection, whether in politics or any other sphere of life, is a complex phenomenon that has been examined and discussed by various scholars and experts. Defection, in its broadest sense, refers to the act of betraying one's principles, ideals, or party for personal gain, power, or other incentives. It is a behavior that has been widely condemned and criticized, as it is seen as a violation of trust and loyalty. However, despite its negative connotations, defection is a common occurrence in human society, and it cannot be completely eradicated. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind defection, its implications, and possible ways to minimize its impact.

Reasons for Defection

Defection can occur for various reasons, and the motivations behind it may differ from person to person. In politics, one of the most common reasons for defection is the pursuit of personal gain. politicians may defect to join another party that offers better prospects, such as increased power, influence, or financial benefits. This self